Registration Categories and Fees: Pre-registration deadline is September 1, 2022 . Prices increase automatically at 12:01 am on September 2, 2022. Registration fee includes 2 guest or family members that are not dentists or dental team members. Children 3 and under must be registered, but they are free and do not count against your 2 included guests. There is a $85 registration fee for each additional non- dental guest or family member beginning with the 3rd guest. All guests that are staying on site and/or using the conference links to purchase tickets, etc. must be registered as one of our Disney Attendees or the guest of one of our attendees in order to take advantage of the group discounts for both lodging and tickets.

- ADA Member Dentist / Primary Registrant Team Member $899
- ADA Non Member Dentist $1199
- Dental Team Member $599
- Non Dentist or Non Team Member Guest $85

1. Primary Registrant

2. Name Badge(s)

Include Primary Registrant. Duplicate for additional registrants. Spouses or Guests that are dentist or dental office staff are required to register as an attendee and pay the applicable registration fee. Dental Team Members that do not have a dentist accompanying them must pay the primary registrant rate of $600.

Attendee Name Category

3. Breakfast Tickets
Date Ticket (Yes/No)
Fri, Oct 7
Sat, Oct 8
Sun, Oct 9

4. Payment